Tuesday, April 17, 2012


This is how I feel after completing all my finals.

What am I free from? A constant battle with myself to find motivation and determination to finish this semester!

     I am happy with myself. I got an 88% on my Statistics final. I didn't do much studying, and that is not bragging, thats bewilderment. I am the type of person that studies, and studies, and studies. So either A: I am a uber nerd because I like statistics, understand it, and retain it, B: someone upstairs was working some magic because he knows I am struggling. C: Both A and B. D: I cheated.

I didn't cheat.

                                                    of course I don't cheat. I have too guilty of a concious.

     So what now? What to do with my free time? Thats right. I don't have much anymore! I will be working 5/6 days a week between two jobs. I am going to be doing some hard core book-keeping training for Bare Bones and Tifie Ranch. I am really excited to have a little change with work. I still love doing hair and am hoping I stay busy at the salon. I have a sweet story I want to share.

     Elaine Moody is one of my regulars. She is there every friday to get her hair done. She was very concerned about me when she found out I was sick. She was very sweet to me the next time I saw her, giving me a hug, and comforting words.
     Last week she was checking up on me. I told her I was just trying to manage day to day. It somehow came up that I had little appetite and motivation to make meals. She said  "what is your favorite place to eat? You ought to go out and a least get something you like." I told her we were trying not to spend money on dining out, or I probably would! I didn't mean to say it to make her feel bad, or woe is me I'm so poor.
     At the end of her appointment she pulled a $20 out of her wallet and said "go out somewhere with your husband and get yourself some food you enjoy". Oh Elaine!!! I seriously love my old ladies. They look after you. Its like having multiple grandmas.

I got to spend time with Gray and Lear (little brother in laws) over the weekend. I took them up to my parents house. I hope they had fun, and weren't too bored. We wanted to do a lot more things with them, but crummy weather got in the way. I liked having them get to know my family a little better. Maybe the whole In-Law family can come up next time!

 Ta for now.

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