Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Perry is pretty handsome in his suit

Its bad luck to see the dress before the wedding. Blah blah blah. I am far from traditional in regards to the wedding. But to increase everyones curiosity, I won't show any more pictures of the dress.

What about the groom?????

Pssh. Check it

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

To Do List

30 Days
i'm freaking out a little
maybe more than a little

Last week was crazy. Non-stop. Working, meetings, receptions, doctors, and the most tiring part of all Moving. I don't know how I survived it all.

Oh yeah I remember, a can of Mt. Dew(I never drink soda but I needed the steroids) I packed Martie(our van) like a jig saw puzzle and loaded my car with my clothes and what not. Up and Down, Down and Up 3 flights. When Perry got off work we unpacked my car in the new apartment, headed back to Provo to fill it up as tight as possible and lug another load up the stairs. I am going to have some nice glutes for sure!!

Perry recruited his band-mate Colby the following morning to move my piano and unload Martie. It was tiring, but we did it! Afterward Colby and Perry decided to take Martie to an Automatic carwash.

Skeptical that it would even fit, Colby persisted. I wish I would have been able to witness what transpired. Because the van was so big, and the machine could barely make its way around it, the water pressure went through the windows and sprayed their faces.

With the new apartment and wedding 30 days away, there is a lot to do and i never feel like i have time to do it!

School stuff

Monday, August 9, 2010

just for you

I sit in
this office
chair. the clock
in slow
slowest motion.
i am going
to die.
just of bordem,
don't worry
this little poem
kept me goin
six minutes and
i'll be done
I am gorwing tired of this office job. Since working in the salon I wonder how I've even stayed here this long. I love working with my hands, interacting with other, and most importantly...Applying my skills!!
But until the clients are more frequent I'll suffer the painful agony of this office. I may not survive

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Slo Mo

Time has been precariously moving slowerr and slower than ever

Yesterday was one of these days:

Things are getting done, but perhaps Perry and I are coming undone :)

We have another busy week ahead of ourselves. I will be going up to my parents house to do hair for my cousin's wedding. Perry will be in the studio most of the weekend finishing up his band's EP album. The Second Round, check em out on fb!

I'm glad we got to have a couple date nights last week, because I don't think its gunna happen this week. Last Saturday we went to Wingers, and got re-addicted to their sticky fingers. After we had our meal the waitress asked if we wanted dessert. Well, we ordered an extra plate of sticky fingers. Ha ha better than dessert wouldn't you say?

Among other news.... We got an apartment!! That takes a lot of stress out of our life. It needs a little work, new paint and some deep cleaning. I think it will be the perfect project though! We are waiting for the landlord to finish cleaning up after the last tennant, and then I can start painting. Wish me luck!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

6 weeks

Perry and I have been pretty organized with this 8 week engagement.

By week 1 we had the temple, reception, and family lunch scheduled. We even started looking at apartments for rent

Week 2 my sister Alyssa cut out the dress. We bought our second vehicle(I'll post pics soon). Perry got his suit when we went shopping with his parents two days ago! Today we went to lunch with both sets of parents, it was nice to have a happy mingling.

The picture above was my final fitting for the wedding dress. It's inside out, but you get the basic shape.

Perry and I are going to look two apartments this weekend. I started cutting hair in the salon, and he is going to be going to full time at his job next week. Needless to say..we are busy! But we will pull it off!

I hope :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To make a long story short

In the the year 2006 Perry and Mindy played in a talent show together. Perry in his band, Mindy with her guitar.

Perry had never recorded a girl before, so he asked if she would let him record her song.

That summer Mindy needed to find a date to go to the movies. Perry was the lucky number one that answered. When he tried to "rain check", she said no.

They started dating until he left to Kenya in 2007.

Before the mission:

Perry got back two years later.

2010 started off a new year and a new Perindy adventure.

He proposed on July 15:
(taken just before the proposal)
Most people's reaction to the engagement was "its about time"


it is