Friday, April 26, 2013

Why Utah is so Depressed

Dramatic changes of weather.
                   to                                                                FREEEZING!!!

to                6 months of winter

to                                                          3 weeks of "spring"
to                                                                                                           3 months of decent weather

How are we supposed to function with the sudden changes in weather. I mean you wear your sandals thinking its going to be a nice day, but then your feet are cold. No one can be happy,

Unrealistic misinterpretaions of religious beliefs that get turned into social behaviors

I am a proud Mormon. I do not approve of the behaviors and beliefs that have come about in the culture. It is not doctrine. It is unfortunate, because I find a lot of peace and comfort in my religion. I think the LDS gospel is very hopeful. The members are their own worst enemy. One of the core beliefs we talk about is "being Christ-like". Okay I would like to point out the phrase

Christ - "like". Christ is an example to us. We believe that Christ was "perfect". We are not told to be him. We are told to use look to him as an example of humility, love, patience, kindess, forgiveness, etc. We are not asked to never make a single mistake in our life.

Do we forget one of the biggest words in our church, ATONEMENT? Yes I think we forget. We forget that we can use the atonement as often in our life as needed. And I believe the atonement is not just for when you are seeking forgiveness. It is when you need comfort, it is when you need to feel love. It is when you need to feel support. This to me is Hope. The LDS Church to me is hope.

Unfortunately, we are human. We are not perfect. We all make mistakes and have skeletons hiding in the closet, under the bed, in a bottle, in pills, in our heads.

 I wish so badly this scenario could happen:

     A fellow member admitting they are struggling with something, whether it be an addiction, or even a belief. They say it in a whole congregation, or in one of their block meetings, or to another member.
      What if - what if we could just open our arms, our ears and our hearts to them. What if we could avoid judgement(I believe being judgemental is part of human nature that we all have and its OK to admit we have all been judgemental),  and help that person. Sometimes it may just be a listening ear. Which means you don't have to say ANYTHING. You don't need to give any advice, or try to relate it to your life, or try to compare an urelated story to thier life. Just Zip the lip and listen. AND LOVE!
     I don't think anyone likes being vulnerable, but we need to be. We need to be real. You don't have to disclose your life struggles to everyone, you can keep details to yourself. But I am starting a movement.
LIFE SUCKS SOMETIMES! When I lost my baby I didn't want comfort from people(bare with me on this). I just wanted peopled to say "yes, it is unfair, it hurts and you can be as sad as you need".

Guess what ladies and gentelmen. Your life can be stressful, and you can vent, and it doesn't have to be OK. Lets take off the masks. Let stop pretending(or feel like you have to) that there is nothing that brings you down. That there is nothing in your life, family, or home that discourages you.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about you the other day Mindy and it took me forever to find your blog (I kept forgetting to bookmark it, and then when I would look somewhere for the link I would get distracted... anyways) but I love this post! So true. I wish people in the church felt more able to admit to problems instead of all sitting in Sunday School feeling like they are the only imperfect one there. I'm book marking now, so keep bloggin, I miss you!
